Laser surgery: oursolutions and technologies
Thanks to our state-of-the-art equipment, we can offer you the new SmartSurface surface treatment (TRANS-PRK All laser). This is a non-contact, non-cutting surface ablation.
A single laser, the excimer, is used throughout the process of eliminating the deficiency. The first step is removal of the corneal surface layer (the epithelium). The laser can then be applied to the next layer of the cornea, eliminating myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia.

This eliminates the need to cut a corneal flap, which can lead to complications. This optimizes the preservation of the cornea's structural stability.
This represents a major advance over other existing technologies (PRK, Lasik, Lasek)!
This treatment is suitable for thin corneas and reduces the risk of dry eyes. After surgery, the surface layer of the cornea (the epithelium) repairs itself, taking five days to grow back and cover the cornea.
Dr Martin explains laser technology in more detail:
Laser surgery provides sufficiently accurate, safe and stable results over time, especially with the latest generation laser we use in our eye microsurgery centre.
However, the results are influenced by many factors unrelated to the surgical procedure, in particular the different subjective reactions to the corneal healing processes and your cooperation in following the recommended treatment protocol.
If laser surgery is contraindicated, the optical defect can be corrected by adding an intraocular implant ( ICL-type phake implant), which is particularly suitable for severe myopia and/or insufficiently thick corneas.