Sight test
With excellent medicine, state-of-the-art technology and a fully equipped operating room, Centre Nord Vaudois d’Ophtalmologie takes care of your eyes. Our professional team uses different methods and technologies to achieve optimal care for your vision.
Your ophthalmologist offers you treatment based on accurate diagnosis and expert advice to make a significant contribution to your quality of sight and life.
Eye control
The eye fundus can be examined and, if necessary, related eye diseases can be detected early. The respective condition of each component area is documented.
For early diagnosis, a thorough eye examination (including fundus examination) is very important, starting at the age of 40. If there is a known family history of eye disease, a visit to the ophthalmologist should be considered earlier.
Macular degeneration
The macula is a tiny part of the retina at the back of the eye. As we age, this small part of the retina can become damaged, compromising our ability to see well. This damage, called Age-related Degeneration (AMD), mainly affects central vision, while the lateral regions of the eye are spared.
AMD patients do not go completely blind, but they do gradually lose important abilities such as face recognition or reading. Generally, macular degeneration affects both eyes.
It is the main cause of vision loss in people over 50.
Glaucoma Screening
Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world and is an eye disease that mainly affects people over the age of 45. It is often caused by a rise in eye pressure leading to progressive degeneration of the nerve fibres of the optic nerve.
Glaucoma is a disease without signs (asymptomatic), which the wearer does not suspect exists and only an ophthalmological examination can detect it, in order to specify its type and take the necessary measures.
The main tests for the diagnosis of glaucoma are
- Measurement of intraocular pressure
- Examination of the back of the eye and the optic disc
- Gonioscopy
- The visual field survey
All these examinations are painless. The ophthalmologist will be able to make a diagnosis by comparing all these examinations, and not just on the basis of an intraocular pressure figure (which may vary) or a visual field reading.